“The Art of Requesting: Anthropological Studies of Supplications and poverties” Call for an edited volumen

We invite submissions for a peer-reviewed, edited volume of works that explore supplications or asking rituals in specific ethnographic cases. Of particular interest is how prayers or asking rituals produce hope and constantly redefine notions of pity, poverty, and deprivation in the American continent, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Contributions might examine various acts of prayer and oral rites and how, through them, the indigenous poor contradict state and transnational definitions of poverty and account for natural resources according to particular property regimes.

We are interested in works that approach this line of query from various directions, however, and encourage submissions that address requesting, oral rites and poverty in invigorating ways.

 Potential questions/topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:

   – Rogation prayers and asking rituals

   – The particular use of oral rites in defining factors of poverty

   – The significance of favor and compassion in particular indigenous ideologies

   – Asking for money, development and representation from governments

   – The conceptualization of new subjectivities through requesting   performances and, in turn, the potential of the indigenous poor in national politics

   – How individual prayers and community rites address masters and forces  of nature


Interested contributors are invited to send an abstract of 250 words and a brief biographical sketch by March 30, 2014 to askingrituals@gmail.com.

Contributions should be roughly 6,000 words (prepared according to the latest version of the MLA style) and submitted by May 30, 2014.

Submissions may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, or French.



In many American indigenous contexts, rites, prayers and invocations to spiritual “guardians”, “masters” or “owners” of the land, the forest, water, and various species of plants and animals are used to reverse cycles of famine, poverty and lack of food, rain and health. As the protectors and owners of natural resources–including plants, animals, territories, and other entities (Seeger 1981: 181)–these spirits seem to extend a metaphorical link between fatherhood and motherhood and numerous contexts in everyday life (Viveiros de Castro 2002: 82; Fausto 2008). The social life of humans has been depicted as an outcome of diverse social relationships with these non-human “masters” and “owners” of animals, plants, and other kinds of persons (yoqta siyaxaua or “true persons”) (Tola 2005: 121) with whom humans negotiate permanently. Through offerings and oral rites, including prayers and invocations, people practice gratitude and request abundant crops, hunting and fishing. Expressed differently according to local languages, these ritual practices are referred to in specific terms (Testart 1994: 58) ranging from “thank”, “lease or ask a favor” (Boas 1966 :170) to “exchange” or “purchase life” and “rain” (Terán and Rasmussen 2008, Dapuez 2011) and are generically identified as asking rituals (Benedict 1922, 1923) or supplications (Fassin 2000).

Research Fellowship in Latin American Art and Science

The Huntington Art Collections and Research Division invite applications
for an 18-month full-time research fellowship as part of the project
“Visual Voyages: Latin American Nature from Columbus to Darwin.” This
project, led by Catherine Hess (Chief Curator of European Art at The
Huntington) and Daniela Bleichmar (Associate Professor of Art History and
History at USC), will explore the ways in which Europeans and Americans
envisioned and depicted Latin American nature from the Columbian voyages
through the nineteenth century. In this period, nature provided incentives
for exploration and settlement, commodities for trade, medicines and
specimens for scientific investigation, sources for literary narratives,
objects for collections, pigments for art and industry, as well as a
constant stream of representations. The texts, images, and objects produced
in and about Latin America burst with representations of nature, whether
fantastic animals, lavish flora, landscapes of military and spiritual
conquest, or specimens to furnish the physical cabinets and mental
categories of the natural sciences.

The fellow will work closely with the project leaders conducting primary
and secondary research to identify images, objects, and texts on this topic
in preparation for a major exhibition to be held at the Huntington in 2017.
The fellowship may involve national or international travel to collections.
The fellow will have a Ph.D. in art history, history, history of science,
or a related humanistic discipline; an expertise in topics directly related
to the research project; and fluency in Spanish. The fellowship will begin
no later than October, 2014 and last for eighteen months. The yearly
stipend is $55,000 without fringe benefits.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of application describing
their qualifications for the position including research and/or curatorial
experience; a curriculum vitae; a writing sample (not to exceed 50 pages);
and the names of three referees to visualvoyages@huntington.org by 5pm on
Friday, March 28th. The referees should email their recommendation letters
directly to that email address by the deadline. Please submit all of the
above information in PDF format. Questions about the position should be
directed to Catherine Hess (chess@huntington.org) and Daniela Bleichmar (

METROPOLITICS – Seventh Biennial Conference of the Urban History Association (UHA) October 2014

The Seventh Biennial Conference of the Urban History Association (UHA)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
October 9-12, 2014

The Urban History Association Program Committee seeks submissions for sessions on all aspects of urban, suburban, and metropolitan history.
We welcome proposals for panels, roundtable discussions, and individual papers, and are receptive to alternative session formats
that foster audience participation in the proceedings.

The Program Committee is pleased to announce that the University of Pennsylvania will serve as the local host for this year’s conference,
which will be held on October 9-12, 2014.

We particularly encourage papers that explore the theme of Metropolitics, although submissions are not restricted to the conference theme. The year 2014 marks the beginning of a series of fiftieth anniversaries of major political events impacting cities, including the Civil Rights Act, the War on Poverty, the founding of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Voting Rights Act, the Hart-Celler Immigration Act, and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The Program Committee therefore invites papers that reflect broadly on the relationship between the state and local actors. We also seek contributions that make global comparisons and explore metropolitan politics in Latin America, Europe, Asia,
Australia, the Middle East, and Africa. Sessions on ancient and pre-modern as well as modern periods are welcome. Graduate student submissions are encouraged. Graduate student papers presented at the conference will be eligible for the UHA-SAGE Graduate Student Paper

We prefer complete panels but individual papers will be considered. Please designate a single person to serve as a contact for all
complete panels. For traditional panels, include a brief explanation of the overall theme, a one-page abstract of each paper, and a one- or
two-page c.v. for each participant. Roundtable proposals should also designate a contact person and submit a one-page theme synopsis and a
one or two page c.v. for each presenter. Proposals involving alternative formats should include a brief description of how the
session will be structured.

All those submitting individual papers should include a one-page abstract and a one or two page c.v. E-mail
submissions by March 1, 2014 to Andrew K. Sandoval Strausz at aksandov@unm.edu and Victoria Wolcott atvwwolcot@buffalo.edu.
Submissions should be included in attachments as Word or PDF documents.

As part of the conference the UHA will organize workshops for graduate students writing dissertations in urban and suburban history. Students
who have written a prospectus and who wish to participate in a workshop should apply with a two to four page letter of interest by March 1, 2014 to Janet.Bednarek@notes.udayton.edu.

XI Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social

XI CAAS “Edgardo Garbulsky”

“Perspectivas críticas en Antropología Social.

Construcciones teóricas y prácticas desde América Latina”

Damos la bienvenida al XI Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social  que se celebrará entre los días 23 y 26 de Julio de 2014 en la sede de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

En el año 1990, fuimos sede de la III edición de este evento. En aquel momento se realizó bajo la presidencia de Edgardo Garbulsky, quien fuera, a su vez, el Director de la carrera de Antropología de la UNR en aquel momento.

Veinticuatro años después tenemos el honor de volver a reunir a quienes participan en nuestro quehacer disciplinar, bajo la organización de la Escuela de Antropología y el Departamento de Antropología Sociocultural  de la  Facultad de Humanidades y Artes (UNR), junto al Colegio de Graduados en Antropología de la República Argentina.

Quien fatigara su vida en impulsar los estudios de la antropología argentina y latinoamericana desde la perspectiva crítica, no está con nosotros desde el año 2007. Es por ello que nos honra poner su nombre a este congreso: Edgardo Garbulsky.

Con un escenario mundial en permanente reconfiguración producto de las sucesivas crisis, América Latina aparece como un espacio donde la conjunción de los distintos sujetos sociales se condensa en propuestas sociopolíticas que si bien no se distancian fuertemente de los lineamientos hegemónicos mundiales, sí muestran afianzamiento en perspectivas propias para enfrentar los cambios.

La Antropología ha venido fortaleciendo sus herramientas teóricas y metodológicas para actuar en estos contextos afianzando su campo disciplinar. Con toda certeza, es mucho lo que se adeuda y restan  caminos por transitar para avanzar en la superación de las condiciones de vida y hacia allí queremos encaminarnos.

Es por eso que convocamos a participar a todos quienes se encuentren comprometidos en este sendero a fin de comunicar y debatir los avances, preocupaciones y desafíos en la producción de conocimientos desarrollados a escala nacional y regional.


“Migrant Narratives and Ethnographic Tropes: Navigating Tragedy, Creating Possibilities” – Call for papers

Special Issue: “Migrant Narratives and Ethnographic Tropes: Navigating Tragedy, Creating Possibilities” — Journal of Contemporary Ethnography

The Journal of Contemporary Ethnography issues a call for papers for a Special Issue entitled “Migrant Narratives and Ethnographic Tropes: Navigating Tragedy, Creating Possibilities.”

This special issue explores how ethnographers describe the experiences of those who cross borders of various sorts through migration. Tragic stories of border crossings are often central to accounts of migration, and as ethnographers we are privy to stories of clandestine crossings, painful separations and unspeakable loss. In the process of writing ethnography, ethnographers make those same stories central to their own arguments and in so doing, those crossings, separations, and losses become knowable, imaginable and part of a larger story of global interconnectedness and inequality. Ethnographers of migration write about those who cross borders through migration, who become stuck within borders because of poverty and government policies, or who are forcibly moved across borders because of deportation. In so doing, ethnographers position themselves at the crossroads of being activists, storytellers and academics, and also must locate their informants’ narratives along the crossroads of tragedy and possibility. In recent years there appears to have been an ethnographic shift towards telling even the most tragic of migrant narratives with a tone of possibility and potential. To explore this shift, this special issue will examine how tragic tales are woven into ethnographic accounts and thus the role ethnographers play in constructing the boundaries and crossings they hope to describe. We invite paper submissions that present examples of migrant narratives and the scholar’s own ethnographic interventions. These papers will ideally include both at least one ethnographic example of a migrant’s narrative and a discussion of the ways ethnographers navigate tragedy and create possibilities through (re)telling of migrant narratives. Possible questions of focus may include which stories ethnographers choose to tell, how ethnographers choose to tell them, and for what reason? What responsibility do ethnographers have in reshaping these narratives? Does ethnographic storytelling have the potential to influence policy or the future of those boundaries and the migrants who grapple with them? How are choices to narrate tragedy or possibility shaped by theoretical commitments and national contexts?

This special issue will consider these methodological and writing issues while also advancing scholars’ understandings of migration.

This is an open call for papers. All papers will be vetted through an internal and external peer-review process. The editors of JCE will have final say over what is accepted, and submission does not guarantee publication in the journal.

Papers are due on December 1, 2014.

Jeremy Rayner, Ph.D.

Investigador Docente
Centro de Estrategia Nacional para el Derecho al Territorio
Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dept of Anthropology

Hunter College, CUNY

29 Reunión Brasileña de Antropología – Invitación para envió de resúmenes

050: Intervenciones en el espacio urbano y producciones de alteridades

En el marco de la 29° Reunión Brasileña de Antropología, 03 a 06 de agosto de 2014 Natal, se invita a presentar resúmenes de propuestas (Portugués o Español) hasta el 10 de marzo 2014 con una extensión máxima de 1500 caracteres con espacio.
El grupo de trabajo se propone reflexionar sobre procesos de intervención en el espacio urbano y la dinámica de la producción de identidades y de alteridades que se derivan de ellos. Se comprende la ciudad como una realidad multidimensional que expresa tensiones y disputas entre diferentes formas de acción a través de la construcción de significados por sus diferentes grupos de interés. Entre estas tensiones, se releva la construcción de un discurso público hegemónico que valida el espíritu empresarial para el desarrollo urbano que se traduce en formas de articulación entre sectores gubernamentales y empresariales, buscando la adecuación de las ciudades a los patrones de consumo a nivel mundial y su inserción en los circuitos globalizados de bienes e identidades. Estas nuevas modalidades de política pública repercuten en la ciudad y sus dinámicas relacionadas con la memoria, el patrimonio, el turismo, la producción de un orden, la construcción de márgenes , entre otros.  En este contexto, el desarrollo de alteridades son promovidas por actores de la sociedad civil, entre lo gubernamental y el sector empresarial, que tratan de afirmar su identidad, territorial, de diferencias étnicas o religiosas. El debate del Grupo de Trabajo se estructura en torno a: a) los mecanismos de construcción y afirmación de alteridades, tanto desde el sector público, el mundo empresarial y la sociedad civil, b) los espacios de la tensión y la negociación entre los diferentes actores que se articulan y / o enfrentan en esos contextos.
050. Intervenções no espaço urbano e produção de alteridades
Este GT se propõe a refletir sobre os processos de intervenção no espaço urbano e as dinâmicas de produção de identidades e alteridades que deles resultam, entendendo a cidade não como uma unidade de lugar homogênea, mas como uma realidade multidimensional e em processo que expressa tensões e disputas entre formas diversificadas de ação e de construção de sentido por seus distintos atores. Dentre estas, adquire relevo na agenda pública a construção de um discurso hegemônico sobre o empreendorismo urbano que se traduz em formas de articulação entre poder público e setores empresariais, que buscam a adequação das cidades aos padrões de consumo global e à sua inserção em circuitos globalizados de bens e identidades. Estas novas modalidades de políticas públicas para a cidade repercutem nas dinâmicas relacionadas à memória, ao patrimônio, ao turismo, à produção da ordem, à construção de margens, entre outras. Favorecem a elaboração de alteridades urbanas, tanto por parte do poder público e do setor empresarial, quanto de representantes da sociedade civil que procuram, nesse contexto, afirmar suas especificidades identitárias, territoriais, étnicas ou religiosas. O debate se estrutura em torno de: a) os mecanismos de construção e afirmação dessas alteridades, tanto por parte dos setores públicos e empresariais quanto da sociedade civil; b) os espaços de tensão e negociação entre os diferentes atores que se articulam e/ou se confrontam em tais contextos.
Simone Pondé Vassallo (PPGSOC-Iuperj): simonevassallo@iuperj.br
Walter Alejandro Imilan (INVI – FAU, Universidad de Chile): wimilan@uchilefau.cl

Walter Alejandro Imilan
Dr-Ing. – Antropólogo
Académico Instituto de la Vivienda
INVI – Universidad de Chile
Tel: +56 02 9783150
Portugal 84
Santiago – Chile