Craig M. Cogut Visiting Professorship in Latin American and Caribbean Studies

The Craig M. Cogut Visiting Professorship in Latin American and Caribbean Studies brings leading scholars from Latin America and the Caribbean to teach and conduct research at Brown University. Visiting Professors are based at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and teach one undergraduate course on Latin America per semester, advise undergraduate and graduate student theses, and give presentations in Center or affiliated departmental colloquia. The Craig M. Cogut Visiting Professorship provides a stipend, an optional medical insurance package, financial assistance with round-trip travel from home country, and administrative assistance. Appointments are possible for one or two semesters.

Please click here for more information or to apply: The deadline for the 2019-2020 competition is November 1, 2018.

SUNTA Undergraduate Paper Prize Extension of Dealine.

Submissions Due: September 30, 2017 

The Society for Urban, National and Transnational/Global Anthropology is pleased to announce its undergraduate paper prize competition. We are seeking nominations – by faculty – for student papers that address SUNTA‘s interests, including urban life, space and place, transnational social processes, impacts of globalization, and refugees and immigration.  The prize includes a cash award of $150. The winner will be announced at the 2017 AAA meetings in Washington, DC.

Any author who is a current undergraduate or who graduated in the 2017 calendar year is eligible for the competition, as long as the submission was composed while she or he was an undergraduate.  Although submissions will be accepted only from faculty (e.g., students may not submit papers on their own), faculty sponsors need not write letters of recommendation or justification in support.  The faculty nomination is sufficient.

Papers should be no more than 30 double-spaced pages (12 point font), including bibliography, notes and images/figures. The paper’s formatting (e.g., citations, bibliographies etc.) should be consistent throughout.    International entries are encouraged, although papers must be in English.  SUNTA membership is not required.

Please send submissions by email to Friederike Fleischer (   Please direct any queries about the award or alternative submission arrangements to her as well.

“Florida’s broken sentencing system Designed for fairness, it fails to account for prejudice”

By By Josh Salman, Emily Le Coz and Elizabeth Johnson Graphics and site development by Jennifer Borresen and Dak Le. Photos and video by Dan Wagner

“Justice has never been blind when it comes to race in Florida. Blacks were first at the mercy of slave masters. Then came Jim Crow segregation and the Ku Klux Klan. Now, prejudice wears a black robe. Half a century after the civil rights movement, trial judges throughout Florida sentence blacks to harsher punishment than whites, a Herald-Tribune investigation found.

The Racial Dot Map

“This racial dot map is an American snapshot; it provides an accessible visualization of geographic distribution, population density, and racial diversity of the American people in every neighborhood in the entire country. The map displays 308,745,538 dots, one for each person residing in the United States at the location they were counted during the 2010 Census. Each dot is color-coded by the individual’s race and ethnicity. The map is presented in both black and white and full color versions. In the color version, each dot is color-coded by race”.

CFP: Contested Pasts: Urban Heritage in Divided Cities

Association of Critical Heritage Studies Third Biennial Conference, Conference Theme: What Does Heritage Change? Montreal, Canada, 6-10 June 2016

CFP (Session OS064): Contested Pasts: Urban Heritage in Divided Cities

Convenors: Mirjana Ristic, University of Melbourne, and Sybille Frank, Technische Universität Berlin

Submission deadline: November 1st 2015

We invite you to submit abstracts for the panel session “Contested Pasts: Urban Heritage in Divided Cities”. This session seeks to explore the role of urban heritage in mediating and contesting political conflict in the context of divided cities. We take urban heritage in a broad sense to include places left, scarred or transformed by geo-political dispute, national and ethnic division, violence and war. The case studies can include tangible spaces such as elements of border architecture, historic sites, ruins and urban traces of the conflict, and memorials; as well as intangible elements of city including urban voids, everyday rituals, place names and other forms of spatial discourse. These can be both designated and undesignated urban heritage sites. We seek for empirical and theoretic papers that will cover one of the following themes:

  1. Heritage at War

Recent political events show that urban heritage in divided cities plays a role in the war not merely as the site of violence and terror, but the very tool through which they are mediated. The Old Bridge in Mostar was bombed out in 1993, the Nablus old town was bulldozed and demolished by tank fire in 2002, while Syrian ancient sites are still being pulverised by ISIS. We ask: why is urban heritage so often rendered a target of the war? What is the political role of its destruction? How can urban heritage be used as a tool for political resistance?

  1. Divided Heritage

Urban heritage is often re-designed, re-invented and employed as an instrument of political division in the cityscape. Discrete religious heritage dominates the Greek and Turkish sides of Nicosia, urban parades invested with separate sectarian traditions are held in Belfast, streets in Sarajevo and East Sarajevo acquired different commemorative names after the war. We ask: what role do spatial remnants, practices and discourses of the past play in the demarcation of urban territories? What happens when heritage of one social group becomes “displaced” on the side of the other? How does urban heritage mediate and contest socio-spatial marginalization, discrimination and exclusion?

  1. Dealing with Contested Heritage

The political division of the city itself often leaves contested urban heritage in the cityscape. The legacy of ethnic clashes is still visible in the cityscape of Beirut, while traces and memories of the Berlin Wall still haunt the city. We ask: what should be done with remnants of the city’s division in the post-conflict scenario? What influence do preservation and commemoration of these places have on transformation of the city’s spatial morphology, flows of urban life and place identity? In what ways can transformation of such heritage contribute to reunification and reconciliation?

  1. The Everyday Life of Urban Heritage in Divided Cities

Common research on urban heritage often focuses on representational capacities and the symbolic role of heritage sites. We ask: how are the official discourses of history and memory embedded in these sites accepted, contested and/or transformed through their use? In which ways are new popular and unintended meanings inscribed in these sites through spatial practices around them?

Submission details for Session OS064 “Contested Pasts: Urban Heritage in Divided Cities” (part of the broader theme “Uses of Heritage and Conflicts I: Political Uses (Heritage Changes Politics)”):

All interested speakers are invited to submit a paper proposal by completing the electronic form at

All paper proposals should be submitted via with a brief resume (biographical notice and main publications or achievements) of no more than 300 words and an abstract of no more than 600 words presenting the topic or main argument and its relation to the theme of the session. Paper abstracts should also demonstrate scientific quality through references to a theoretical framework, a methodology or by outlining the contribution to knowledge.

Submissions can be made either in English or French. All proposals will be peer-reviewed through a process managed by Association of Critical Heritage Studies 2016 scientific committee.

You are welcome to contact the panel organizers, Mirjana Ristic ( or Sybille Frank (, if you have any questions regarding the panel session or your submission.

Mirjana Ristic & Sybille Frank

International Conference Genius Loci: Places and Meanings – Call for Papers

The Department of Heritage Science and Techniques (DCTP) at the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, invites all interested parties to submit papers for the International Conference to be held in Porto (FLUP) on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of April 2016, under the title: GENIUS LOCI: places and meanings The aim of this event is to celebrate the first two decades of the DCTP. During this time it has provided specialized teaching, research and action in heritage, essentially characterized by a deep feeling for the land, sociocultural engagement and a broad, multidisciplinary scientific approach; all qualities of the Department’s first patron, Carlos Alberto Ferreira de Almeida, who passed away soon after its formation. His ongoing search for a prospective polysemic reading of territory and of becoming was kaleidoscopic in its scope, and in memory of the unique pedagogical and scientific legacy that he gave us, we wish to discuss recent advances and innovative directions in the areas of research that he developed most.

Therefore, this call for papers requests that any proposed contributions should fall within one of the following themed sections: 1 – Military architecture 2 – Sacred spaces 3 – Heritage Management 4 – Images and contexts 5 – Transitional worlds 6 – Vernacular: expressions and representations 7 – Roads, landscape and territory

SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS EMAIL: Abstracts must not exceed the maximum limit of 300 words. Abstracts are to be submitted via the address Abstracts must include the following: •Full name •Presentation title indicating the respective section •Affiliation •Contacts •Email •Brief biography and CV (100-150 words) Full papers will be subjected to peer review and published in a special [digital] edition of the Faculty of Arts’ Heritage Science and Techniques journal.

For more information please visit:

Del paisaje natural al paisaje humanizado: prácticas, cultura material y lugares – Convocatoria de trabajos

“*Del paisaje natural al paisaje humanizado: prácticas, cultura material y lugares*”

En Arqueología, el concepto de paisaje es utilizado desde diferentes posiciones teóricas, aunque con el común denominador de ser entendido como estructurador e integrador de las relaciones entre los seres humanos y sus entornos físicos y sociales. El paisaje es tomado como unidad de análisis desde diversos enfoques teóricos, que van desde la perspectiva distribucional hasta los análisis fenomenológicos. Más allá de esta variabilidad, es un concepto cuya aplicación permite articular las percepciones y las conductas humanas, la cultura material, y las redes de significaciones que los unen. Porque a través de las prácticas sociales, cuya materialidad puede ser reconocida en el registro arqueológico, los seres humanos transforman el espacio natural en lugar que se habita y se transita, al que se percibe, se nombra y se narra.
El ser humano conlleva formas de interactuar con su entorno, muchas de las cuales involucraron objetos que hoy entendemos como parte del registro arqueológico. Dichas prácticas tuvieron lugar en sectores discretos del espacio, creando lugares y modelando paisajes, ya sea a partir de espacios no habitados o de paisajes humanos previos. Es así que objetos, lugares y paisajes se tornan analizables en la actualidad, ya que fueron y son cargados de sentidos, significaciones alteradas a través del tiempo. Esos cambios están relacionados con los procesos históricos de las sociedades y con los cambios poblacionales, sociales y culturales de los grupos humanos que habitan un área determinada.
Pero ¿es posible comprender cómo los espacios naturales fueron transformados en paisajes humanizados? ¿Cómo se articulan los conceptos de espacio, lugar y paisaje? ¿Son diferenciables a escala arqueológica?
¿En qué formas se vinculan los cambios en la espacialidad de la gente con cambios en el registro arqueológico? ¿Cómo son percibidos los restos materiales de sociedades diferentes? Estas pocas preguntas son sólo algunas de las inquietudes que pretendemos tomar como punto de partida para el presente Simposio. El objetivo de del mismo es establecer un ámbito para la discusión acerca de cómo los espacios se convierten en lugares, cómo los lugares conforman paisajes y qué rol juegan los objetos en estos procesos. Para ello se focalizará sobre los siguientes los tópicos:
• Propuestas teóricas y metodológicas para el estudio de la cultura material y los paisajes arqueológicos.
• La ocupación inicial de espacios.
• El aprendizaje/conocimiento de cada sociedad sobre los paisajes.
• Las relaciones entre espacialidades nuevas y las anteriores.
• La cultura material como elemento conformador y regulador de los lugares.
• Los roles de los rasgos naturales del paisaje y sus significaciones.
• Las relaciones interculturales y sus manifestaciones materiales.
• Las transformaciones de los lugares y los paisajes.
• Las percepciones acerca de los paisajes arqueológicos.
La convocatoria está abierta a trabajos relacionados con los tópicos enumerados y que permitan la discusión de conceptos, técnicas, métodos y casos de estudio específicos. Si bien esta propuesta forma parte del Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Argentina, serán bienvenidos aportes realizados por profesionales de cualquier disciplina, cuyos contenidos sean afines a la temática del Simposio. Creemos que de esta manera podremos compartir un encuentro para exponer nuestras ideas y discutir, desde un amplio abanico de abordajes, sobre las formas en que los seres humanos convierten los espacios naturales en paisajes humanizados.
*Dr. Darío Hermo*
Museo de La Plata – División Arqueología FCNyM – UNLP Paseo del Bosque s/n (1900) La Plata – Buenos Aires – Argentina

Call for papers Colombia Internacional, published by the Political Science Department of the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia)

Call for papers Colombia Internacional, published by the Political Science Department of the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), invites the academic community to participate in its next call for submissions on Profiles of the Latin American Political Elites. Papers should be submitted between the 1st – 30th October, 2015.

This special issue aims to contribute to the academic debate on the characteristics and profiles of Latin American political elites. To this end, we encourage those interested to submit work which maps the profiles of Latin American rulers/parliamentarians so that these may be linked with the following themes: i) the representation of the Latin American political elites, or the extent to which they perform a representative role and ii) the effect on the quality of democracy in the region. Then, in order to debate the problems derived from the so-called ‘crisis of representation,’ articles should consider current and relevant themes such as questions of gender, race, social equality/inequality, academic background, social capital, and ideology, among others. Overall, the aim will be to establish who belongs to the Latin American political elites and examine factors which may explain why these elites are constituted as they are, both at an executive level (presidents, vice-presidents, and ministers) and at a legislative level (parliamentarians, deputies, and senators). The submissions may have a qualitative, quantitative or mixed research focus, and it is expected that they will attempt to: i. Show whether there is a relationship with the voting system (a majority vote for president; a proportional, mixed, open/closed list voting system for Congress). We also insist, particularly in the case of parliamentarians, that there be a crossover study of deputies and senators in order to determine whether there are differences between the profiles of members that belong to different political chambers; ii. analyze the profile of the elites, by looking at their training (academic, professional etc.), and their social, economic and cultural capital; iii. analyze the trajectory of the officials through their political experience and participation in politics (previous employment, membership, position in the party/parties), and iv. show the ideological preferences of the elites and the impact of these on political and social changes in each country.This special issue will be put together by Dr. Adrián Albala (University of São Paulo), and inquiries regarding the content of the articles may be directed to him ( We invite all those interested in participating in this special issue to submit previously unpublished articles in Spanish, English, or Portuguese. Articles submitted for consideration must be in Word and comply with the journal’s standards: a maximum length of 10,000 words (18-22 pages approximately), 12 pt Times New Roman font, single-spaced, letter-sized paper with 3 cm margins. The first page must include an abstract of no more than one hundred words. Author information should be submitted in a separate file. Footnotes and bibliographic references must be cited using the author-date system from Chicago Manual of Style used by the journal. Details of the manuscript submission guidelines can be found at During the call for papers, manuscripts may be submitted via the link on the journal’s website ( or by e-mail ( All the articles will undergo the following evaluation process. First, the Editorial Team assesses whether the article meets the basic requirements established by the journal and its pertinence for publication in a political science journal. Subsequently, all accepted submissions will be evaluated by two academic peers and the Editorial Team. The authors will be informed of the results of these evaluations within six months of the final submission date. Articles sent to Colombia Internacional for evaluation cannot simultaneously be in the process of being evaluated by another publication.

Comunidades, sociedades, espacios e subjetividades híbridos – ACELC 2016- CONVOCATORIA DE PROPUESTAS

La Asociación Canadiense de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (ACELC) y el Centro de Investigación de América Latina de la Universidad de Calgary (LARC), en conjunto con la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas (CAH) y la Federación de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales (FHSS), presenta La conferencia CALACS 2016, que se celebrará en la Universidad de Calgary entre 1° al 3 de junio del 2016 en el marco del Congreso de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales:

Comunidades, sociedades, espacios e subjetividades híbridos
La mezcla de influencias indígenas, africanas y europeas conlleva a la formación de sociedades híbridas en América Latina y el Caribe. Desde la comida, la música y el lenguaje hasta la literatura y la religión, las herencias híbridas son profundas e inmensamente ricas. La hibridación no es sólo un producto exclusivo de las sociedades mixtas, sino también es considerada como una perspectiva desde la cual la gente de la región ve el mundo: no como una forma inferior de ideas establecidas, sino como un espacio generador de nuevas ideas. Sobre estos lineamientos, nuestro objetivo es reflexionar y fomentar la hibridez sobre una amplia gama de contextos y disciplinas. Esta meta es parte central del compromiso de la Universidad hacia las “comunidades energizantes” a través del Congreso 2016, “fundamentadas en la creencia de que el conocimiento y la comprensión emergen a través de enlaces en base a valores compartidos, el respeto por la diferencia y la diversidad entre todos los pueblos.”

Además de las propuestas y los paneles orientados a Latinoamérica y el Caribe, estamos especialmente interesados en propuestas que exploren temas como la aparición de nuevos espacios híbridos entre las zonas urbanas y rurales; los cambios y las corrientes de organización económica y política; la creación de nuevas formas de identidad local, regional, nacional y transnacional a través de la inmigración y la inclusión de grupos anteriormente marginados en nuevos órdenes sociales; la aparición de voces híbridas en la literatura y el cine; y la aparición de nuevas ideas sobre las cuales se constituyen los órdenes establecidos. Dado el mandato interdisciplinario de ACELC, también estamos especialmente interesados en paneles que exploren la hibridez desde una perspectiva inter y/o multidisciplinaria, dispuesta a desafiar y reformular los enfoques tradicionales.

La fecha límite para la recepción de propuestas de paneles o ponencias individuales será el 1° de noviembre del 2015. Las propuestas podrán presentarse en español, inglés, francés o portugués y deben enviarse a través de

Aunque no es un requisito ser miembro de ACELC para la presentación de las propuestas, todos los participantes aceptados deben (1) convertirse en miembros ACELC (, (2) registrarse en el Congreso de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales 2016 en, y (3) inscribirse en la conferencia ACELC, en Las inscripciones se abrirán en enero de 2016. Habrá descuentos para la inscripción temprana.

Para mayores informes, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a los organizadores de la conferencia ACELC a:

Rethinking the Political Uses of the Streets: Europe-America 19th–21st Centuries – Call for Papers

Deadline to submit abstracts: October 31, 2015
Session M37: Rethinking the Political Uses of the Streets: Europe-America 19th–21st Centuries
The way streets have been politically used have led to various studies : European historiography on the 19th century in particular stressed the complex relations between the development of new urban forms and the emergence of new political practices. Historians have looked into demonstrations, barricades, processions, meetings, when studying the English Chartists demonstrations, the Parisian barricades, the Catholic processions, the Italian fascist marches. They often focused on the national level.
The ambition of this session is to use connected histories and to question how those classical practices have been reinterpreted across time and space by paying attention to how those forms of collective action circulated between continents in the long term. The analysis of models and also of human vectors and circuits which contributed to the spread of some specific uses of the streets is at the centre of this project.
It will also be interesting to study the international connections which place some forms and moments of local protest in the larger framework of transnational events and networks (the revolutions of 1848, the Sacco and Vanzetti trial, etc.). Are some places of memory (such as the Parisian revolutions in the 19th century, the May 1968 events) replayed at other times and in different places while serving as a mythical reference, the origin of rules, symbols and representations which can be called upon or exploited by collective actors to give legitimacy to their action, undermine the legitimacy of their opponents, or simply to produce images that can be understood by all?
By comparing the European and American experiences in long-term history, the aim is to analyze how these diverse political uses of the streets have been reinvented at a national level in order to give shape and legitimacy to a system of demonstrations that would belong specifically to each country in the twentieth century. Which legitimacy is given to the political uses of the streets so that they conform to the field of local politics? What are the evolving boundaries given to this political field and what is the role given to the streets? What do its varied uses and rearranging reveal about the nature of politics in these countries?
The conference papers can look at the role of national legislations and their possible circulations, the management of the maintenance of law and order, the importance of urban reforms and of the place given to the city as a political space and the normative discourses of the political elites on the need for “good” political uses of the streets.
Session organisers:
Marianne González Alemán, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Frédéric Moret, Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée, France (

European Association for Urban History
13th International Conference on Urban History
August 24-27, 2016
Helsinki, Finland